Employer Activities

Employer Activities

Video — Employers share their views on the impact of specialty drugs

What do employers need to know to better manage specialty drugs? In this video, you will hear about:

  • How MBGH is supporting employer management of specialty drugs
  • One aspect of the MBGH initiative employers found helpful
  • How specialty drugs have changed the industry in the last few years
  • What will happen in the coming years

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Interviews — Employer Concerns & Views About Specialty Drugs

MBGH interviewed five national, self-insured private employers, representing various industries and sizes (11,000 to 120,000 employees), about their concerns and views related to specialty drug management. The employers indicated their greatest concern about the future of specialty drugs relates to cost trends. They expressed apprehension that if these cost trends continued at current rates, significant changes would need to be made in other benefit areas to offset their company’s ability to offer high quality and comprehensive health benefits to attract and retain the best employees in a competitive market. Read key findings here.

Employer Story — Prescription Benefits Redesign: Using Common Sense to Promote Value for All Stakeholders

Below are excerpts from an employer story. This journey involves a large, self-funded employer with approximately 40,000 employees. Read the entire article here.

There has never been a time quite like today when the use of old fashioned common sense to design prescription drug benefits is critical. There is a tsunami in the distance called the specialty drug pipeline and those who do not prepare now will suffer great losses. This employer case study will guide you through a journey of possibilities……

….PBMs were not assuming an educator role, as their major focus was to make sure they developed formularies to guide employers in obtaining the best rebates from the drug manufacturers because a portion of those rebates were typically shared with the PBMs. This is addition to the administrative charges already being paid by employers. After all, the more rebates obtained, the lower the administrative charges would need to be….right?

While medications that cure acne, toe nail fungus, impotence and hot flashes may provide some value to consumers, they provide little if any value to employers. Why then, should employers cover such medications in the same ways as those of shared value? Can we develop a benefits design based on shared value that achieves intent and is accepted by employees with little or no noise?

We must call the PBM account manager and lead clinical pharmacist and ask them to take off their PBM hats and walk with us down a visionary path where the words “we can’t” get replaced with “we could, if”….

Annual Employer Forum Presentations

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